Yield Assessment
Enhance project viability and efficiency with accurate and bankable energy yield assessments and optimised layout designs.
1. Provide accurate and bankable estimates of annual energy yield and probabilities of exceedance (P50/P75/P90/P99) to enhance project viability.
2. Maximise project efficiency and cost-effectiveness through optimised layout design.
3. Ensure the selected technology and configuration aligns with the specific conditions of the project site for optimal performance.

1. Energy Yield Assessment
Estimate potential energy yield by analysing wind data or solar irradiation data in conjunction with equipment performance and site-specific characteristics, using software like WindPRO/WaSP/Meteodyn (Wind) and PVsyst (Solar) and internal tools.
2. Uncertainty Calculation
Attribute uncertainties related to each element using internal statistical tools.
3. Layout Optimisation
Aid in the optimal selection, placement, and design of equipment to maximise energy capture and efficiency, considering site constraints.
4. Site Suitability
Determine the suitability of the site with the selected technology by understanding wind patterns and conditions.
From Wind, Solar to Storage solutions.